Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Big Boo Boo

Today you had a big boo boo. And who's irresponsible supervision were you under when this unfortunate incident ocurred? MUMMY'S!!! Oh no!

When Ronan was born, he was given a musical tricycle from a friend of his daddy's. The type where there is a long handle at the back for mummys n daddys to steer/control their babies. It has a little button in front that you can press to play music. The tune is some tacky 80's pop song in which the title escapes me right now. Mummy believes this particular ingenious creation was meant to be some sort of bug, either a bee or grasshopper.

Anyway, since Ronan is a little too young to cycle or to be pushed around in this contraption, you have been happily entertained by it for some months now. You especially love the music. A few days back mummy decided to push you around the neighborhood in it because you are getting heavier and its harder now to carry you around during our strolls and visits to the playground. You seem to find EVERYTHING interesting. And tend to pull your body weight toward every object that fascinates you. Mummy ends up being pulled from one tree to another, from one post box to the next and to every other patch of carpet grass you see. Oh speaking of carpet grass, you long to touch it with your fingers but are 'geli' to stand on it barefoot. So mummy has to dangle you on top of the grass so you get to feel it without having to step on it. Your legs curl up everytime mummy tries to put you down. It's quite funny.

Ok back to your boo boo story. So this morning as I was feeding you your oatmeal breakfast, the little bee (or grasshopper) caught your eye and you went absolutely nuts. Obviously mummy had no choice but to bring you outside and onto your bee (or grasshopper). So we set out into the neighborhood, up and down the lane. You occassionally pressing the magical (music) button and mummy feeding you a spoonful of oatmeal upon your request. You must have been hungry this morning because you kept turning around to ask for more. This nearly never happens. Then on our last stretch, you decide its more fun if you had both legs on one side of the buggy instead of the conventional (and not forgetting more stable and safe) seating position of one leg on each side. Mummy wasn't too worried because I still had control of the steering. Then suddenly something (mummy forgot to check what it was) caught your attention because in an instant you swooped down bringing your full weight on one side. You topple over bringing the whole buggy with you and land face down on the pavement. It takes 1.5 seconds before I hear your wail. I already have you in my arms but you are still entangled in the buggy. Mummy holds you close for a few seconds and tries to console you. Then I take a look at your face and the rest of the body to see if you are injured. Everything is fine except for a scrape on top of your lip. Not too bad. Nothing permanent. Your cries turn into cries of anger somewhat. No longer of pain. Mummy holds you tight and as we walk back to the house, you notice something interesting on the gate. You stop crying and mummy brings you closer to the desired object. You smile. Mummy smiles and is relieved you are truly ok. Your eyes are red and your face wet with tears. There is still dirt from the ground stuck to your face. Mummy brushes it off. Mummy wishes she doesn't have to leave you for work.



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