Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

You have been sick

You have not been well this past week. It started off as a little cough (sounded more like a clearing of your throat). Then gradually it turned into a wet-phlegmy sort of cough which somehow only attacked late evening or early in the morning. Your right eye started getting watery. Mummy brought you to the doctor but she said your lungs and nose was all clear. She gave you an anti-histamine anyway. I started giving it to you in the evening after your dinner. No improvement but you didn't get worse neither. So you have been that way for over a week now. Medicine is nearly finished. According to the doc, the wateriness of your right eye could be a sign of an onset cold or it could be that your tear duct is blocked somehow and all you need is a little eye massage and it should go away. Apparently, daddy had this too when he was about your age. So mummy needs to give you a massage now and then. You are still the little sweetheart. Not cranky or moody. Smile on demand. Hehe. Getting a little more manja and more aware of mummy's whereabouts. I hope your cough leaves you completely very soon. It disrupts your sleep at times and it just tears at my heart having to see and hear you cough. I'm sure you are not suffering but still. *Sigh*


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