The booster chair. Fisher-Price is ingenius! I love this chair. So do you. It's great feeding you in this - keeps you upright and safe. It doubles as a high chair too - has straps to secure it to regular chairs. Plus its foldable and portable. And you can use it till you're 4.
It cost daddy a little bomb but mummy thinks its worth it.
Yep, babies are as messy during meal times as they show on TV. By the end of a meal, baby and mummy both need a shower. And the floor needs another round of mopping. But pictures like these make it all worthwhile! Nice kan the huge blue bow. You look like a wabbit!
hi puei! i bought that booster for adam too! konon mau start solid at 5mo. but after some reading i decided to delay till he's 6mo. he's 5mo2wks now.. should i start solid already?
hey! I think 5mo2wks is fine. I started around 5mo3wks. If he looks ready, go ahead. Like if he opens his mouth real greedy-like when he sees you eat. Hehe. The booster is great.
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