Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, December 21, 2007

Your Daily Food Intake @ 6 months

At 6 months, mummy gives you 2-3 meals a day. Your milk intake has reduced from around 20-24 oz to 16-20 oz daily. We've changed your milk to PROMIL (Wyeth) Step 2. Your S26 (Wyeth) Step 1 was only for babies under 6 months. There's a nice vanilla smell to the new milk. You show no preference to either milk.

Your new diet includes:

Breakfast is usually Nestum Rice with milk added from the tin. It's nice, sweet and smells yummy too. You take this very well. I think we have a little sweet tooth baby in our hands.

For lunch (and sometimes dinner when the time and your mood is right) mummy feeds you pumpkin/carrots boiled with rice into porridge and then blended. No salt or sugar for taste. I read and hear this is not good for you at this stage. Grandma insists mummy put a little flavoring so you can enjoy it better. I'm still considering. We'll wait and see how you take vegetables. Within the next three days, mummy will experiment with some spinach. Yum!

Snack time. You take OJ from the bottle now. We still get that funny look from you at the first taste of the juice. After a few sips you seem to be ok with the whole tangy flavor. Mummy just got you Farley's Rusks. You enjoy rubbing the biscuit on your gums to soothe the irritation from teething. Fruits - bananas you take with a little water to ease swallowing. Again you seem to like sweet stuff. Today mummy is going to give you some papaya for the first time. We'll see how things go.




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梁爵 said...

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