Dr. Wee was very nice. She took your temperature, it was 38.8 degree C. By the time we arrived the clinic, your temperature had reduced. I could feel it. She checked inside your mouth and in your ears. This was no easy task, you kept struggling and fighting back, crying like in pain. You were sick and moody, poor thing. We left the clinic after giving you one dose of paracetemol. Dr. Wee also gave you something for the cough and diarrhea. I am so glad that the good doctor avoided antibiotics.
On the way home, you slept in the car. Not a peaceful sleep, you kept tossing and turning in my lap. Mummy knows what it's like having a fever and diarrhea. Just when you manage to overcome the discomfort and fall asleep, your tummy starts to churn and everything is purged. You wake up and cry from frustration and exhaustion. My heart aches.
The fever goes up and down for the next 2 days. Your purging worsens. Your bum bum is so sore. The skin is raw and pink. Everytime you purge, it stings and you cry in pain. Mummy has to wash your little toosh and this too stings. More crying. Mummy is crying too by now. You cling to mummy and refuse to let go.
By Friday evening there are no signs of improvement. Daddy and I bring you to Dr. Lam in Taman Megah. We wait over an hour for our turn to see the doctor. He tells us it is most probably a viral fever (not bacterial that requires antibiotics) and will go down in another 2 days. The diarrhea however should improve but should take 1-2 weeks to go back to normal. In the meantime, he tells us to change you milk to a non-lactose (soya based) milk. Which we already did as advised by Dr. Wee earlier. Apparently cow's milk is acidic and this causes the skin to burn.
For the next two days, your temperature is fine during the day but increases in the wee hours of the morning, around 3:00am. Mummy gives you water every 30-45 mins and when it seems too high, a dose of paracetemol as well. The fever subsides within an hour. Your sleep is not peaceful for a week. The purging and discomfort from having a fever wake you up an average of 6 times a night. Mummy loses sleep as well. Wednesday night, one week after the first loose stool, you sleep better. No more fever. Mummy is so grateful. Your bum bum too is healing. Pooping no longer causes you pain. Relief sets in.
Today you are back to your normal self. You lost 500gm after a week of diarrhea and restless nights. Not too bad considering. Your appetite has improved and I can see the cheeks fill in a little.
Your Aunty Sumathi & Uncle Naveen
Mummy & Aunty May sharing a joke
One with Mummy
More shots to come....
Hey mummy, please pick me up. Pretty please....
Car Model
There are no words to describe how perfect and precious you are to me....