Friday, November 4, 2011
The Innocent Beauty Of A Child
Thursday, September 15, 2011
A quick reminder....
i love you, you say.
I LOVE YOU, i return.
God Bless You mummy's sweet angel.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Potty Training
On this day at the playground, mummy noticed one thing. You were the only one with a bulky bottom. Still in diapers. Oh no! Mummy's been meaning to get you out of those but just have'nt had the time. Your pink potty has been sitting with your pile of toys forever, brand spanking new. So yesterday, mummy made you go diaperless. You seemed a little confused at first but accepted it without a fuss. You understood that every time you need to either go shee shee or poo poo, you have to tell mummy or Kakak Novie and we will rush you to the potty and you can do your business there. It can't be this easy? There has to be more to potty training, mummy thought to herself. Of course! A reward for such admirable behaviour! One Smartie for every shee shee and Two Smarties for every poo poo in the potty. So, day one, 100% shee shee and 90% poo poo was in the panties. The remaining 10% poo poo was in the potty. You informed mummy of your business a little too late and Mr. Potty managed to catch only the leftovers. No Smarties were rewarded. Let's see how today goes....
PS - We may need to start brushing your teth 3 times a day very soon.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
And mummy was worried of how much love she would have....
The night mummy had to be rushed to the hospital, I was angry when I put you to bed. Mummy was exhausted and you refused to go down. That night at the hospital, as you slept at home with kakak Mon, mummy was feeling such deep regret. How could my last night with you, as mummy's only angel end with such frustration and anger? If I had known, I would have let you stay up as long as you wanted, we would have been in your play room together. Playing the night away....
You share mummy (and daddy) now with little Nila Anandi. Your joyful baby sister. You must know however, that our love for you grows more and more each day as you grow into your own little person. It matters not how many little siblings you may have. Oh I wish I could give you more of me! I know it sounds silly. Afterall, mummy is with you 24/7 and utterly miss you even if you are away from me for an hour!
You visited mummy at the hospital after Nila arrived. As they wheeled mummy to the maternity ward, you lay beside me on the bed. It was nice to feel your hug. 3 whole nights away from you. A nurse rolled Nila into mummy's room for a feeding the next morning. You were there and seemed excited. You peeked at the new baby through the crib bars. Your first word to her was a command, "walk!" you demanded. All around burst into laughter. Can't wait to play with her already.
In the past months, you have shown very different reactions and responses to the newcomer, some include; rolling on top of Nila, trying to gouge her eyes out, tight hugs and sloppy kisses, gentle nudges to hard kicks. Hand squeezes that are a little too hard, pressure on her belly. You once dropped the biggest heaviest story book you have on Nila's face, ON PURPOSE. You did this very unsuspectingly. Walked by Nila pretending you wanted a story read to you and suddenly you just slam the book on Nila's face. It hit her forehead, bruised a couple of days. Other than that she was fine. It's a love hate relationship I tell Dr. Chua. He tells mummy this is normal and tends to settle between 6 and 12 months. You have shown signs of improvement but mummy must be careful still. You make Nila cry quite a bit but are very clever to make her laugh as well. She loves you. And mummy is sure she can't wait to grow bigger and play with her 'cheh cheh'. And I'm sure you are just as excited!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Cooling Down With Daddy
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
At 19 months you are a charmer!
1. As the plane took off, as usual it rumbles and rattles. Unlucky for us, this aircraft was particularly shaky and it got mummy a little nervous. I'm sure you felt it too. Immediately you had your palm on your chest and you tapped yourself gently, a gesture to calm yourself down in times of fear. This is the first time you did this out of fear. Mummy was plesantly surprised.
2. The last time we were in KK was August 2008. You have grown so much since. In December, you were more aware of your surroundings, grandma and grandpas home was unfamiliar, new. You instantly reconized and warmed up to grandma and grandpa but the place made you a little insecure. So although you played with grandma, grandpa and aunty Meriel, mummy always had to be in sight. And when mummy was out of sight, "mummy mummy mummy" you would call out. I was so pleased to hear this because although you knew how to say mummy, you never actually called out for mummy. This was a first. The long awaited first and boy was mummy delighted! Now its mummy this and mummy that. And you are pretty addicted to saying "daddy daddy" too, which sometimes comes out, "diddy diddy".
3. Days later as we were spending time in grandmas garden (a lot of time was spent in the garden), you spotted a grasshopper. Mummy brought you closer and you became nervous. You had your palm tapping on your chest again. This time, you said, "cared cared" over and over. Aww, my little angel was scared of the grasshopper. As usual mummy is taken over with happiness every time you learn or say something new. You picked up on this pretty quick and before we all knew it, you were chest tapping and going "cared cared" for every little thing. The honk of the gas truck, or the the dog barking at a distance, the 2" high step outside grandpas door step, even an ant crawling past you. Such a charmer!
4. You also came up with a name for your cucut. You never really called it anything before, you would just cry out for it. In KK you started calling it, "tutut teh". Mummy thinks it means, "cucut. there!".
5. Your appetite reduced. You refused solids and didn't finish your milk. Your sleep patterns changed as expected. How to sleep when you got your two favorite cousins to play with 24/7? Mummy was worried and devastated; that was until I noticed 6, yes 6 gigi protruding from your gums all at once! There remains 1 incisor that has yet to sprout out from your gums but already you have your first molars, 2 top ones at each side and 2 bottom ones on each side. So the inside of your mouth looks a little funny now. No sign of the cuspids yet; those would be the pearly whites in between the incisors and molars. I guess that would explain the loss of appetite and yea the runs which lasted a few days.
6. And then there's your speech. Mummy doesn't know where to begin. So many words so many expressions. You pick up words in a snap of the fingers!
am-ma = grandma
am-pa = grandpa
Since we have been back to KL you don't use it anymore because we are so far away. But you get to talk to them when you feel like it.
beech = beach
We were at the beach twice this time round. You enjoyed the second trip because the water was calm and you sat in the water filling your bucket with sand. We walked toward the horizon hand-in-hand with daddy as the sun set and grandpa looked on. Would have been fantastic if someone got a shot of that. You mention beach sometimes, mummy's sure you reminisce and want to go back. We will bring you to a beach one of these days when daddy's back.
You say butterfly but mummy can't figure out how to spell your pronounciation out. The 'fly' comes out clear though. The 'butter' part is a blur to mummy. Daddy is much better at making out your speech.
Animals are still your favorite. You say, tortoise, bird, fish, horse, very clearly now.
Fog = Frog
There was a lost baby frog in grandmas toilet. We spotted it one day, you seemed to take pleasure in seeing a real life frog. Then, for days you refused to take baths. You would make a fuss when mummy tried bathing you. And would cry throughout and cling on to me like there was no tomorrow. I wondered why the sudden change from being unable to pull you away from the water to refusing to even get your head wet. Alas, mummy figured it out. It was the frog that you feared and not the water. Mummy called grandma to the rescue. She picked Mr. Froggy baby out and instantly you were glued to the gayung, tap and water again. I think this little angel is taking scaredy-cat-ness after her mummy.
Ice = Rice or Ice
Oi-idge = Porridge
Momom = Food or Eat
Nennen = Means you want your milk
Mon = For kakak Mon
Eni = For kakak Yeni
Pati = Pati
Oo-Yi = Ru Yee (your friend at the playground)
You love going to the playground. You just love kids in general. Your eyes light up at the mention of Ru Yee. She is about a month older than you and you guys kind of look alile. Recently you have learned to appreciate the slide. Mummy lets you do everything (pretty much) on your own. You climb the stairs with minimal help and slide down all on your own. No 'cared cared' business. Even if you fly down the slide! You are more thrilled the faster you go. The swing is still something we need to get used to.
7. Your facial expressions. There are no words to describe this. The way you flash your teeth when mummy asks you to show your gigi. You enjoy making funny faces for no reason at all. You will do this for anyone and at any given time. Those eyes of yours just light up. Those lips curl in and you twitch your nose. It's just hilarious. Mummy can sit down all day just admiring this little person that is you. With all your comical and cheeky ways. And you know this, you know your mummy adores you. And daddy is so in love with you too.
The many more faces of you....
8. Latest updates, twice you have poohed in the toilet seat. Since KK you have started to use the word "poo-poo". You usually alarm mummy once a poo-poo has been made and sometimes when a fart erupts. So mummy's been telling you to give me a clue before Mr. Poopsie decides to come out. Twice you have done so since, and twice you have done your business on the toilet seat. Yesterday was the second time and boy were you interested in your poopsie. You kept turning around to check-it-out. Stretching out your hand wanting to, "tahch-tahch".
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I just needed to get a quick one in and tell you....
Too marvelous for words,
Too wonderful for comprehension,
Like nothing ever seen or heard....
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Things You Say & Do 2
Your vocabulary grows everyday and everday you amaze me with how quick you pick words up and how vast your understanding is. So here are some words mummy can think of for now....
When asked, "What's your name?" You reply very consistently, "Ehyi".
When asekd "What's the dog's name?" You reply very consistently, "Ehyi". Hilarious you are sweetie. Cracks me up everytime.
You sing so well. In tune too. You know how to change your tone according to how mummy sings. So if mummy sings 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' gently, so do you. You soften your voice and follow me. This is how we sing together:
Mummy: "Twinkle twinkle little star...." At the same time, You: ".......tarrrrr...."
Mummy: "How I wonder what you are...." You: "(humming the words).....are...."
Mummy: "Up above the world so high...." You: "Papabuv......."
Mummy: " Like a diamond in the sky...." You: "....a dai..........skai...."
Mummy: "Twinkle twinkle little star...." You: ".........tarrrrrr...."
Mummy: "How I wonder what you are...." You: "(humming the words).... are...."
You also sing to the chorus of the Taio Cruz song, "She's Like A Star". Of course, your favorite part is " She's like a starrrr...tarrr....tarrr....."
Ohtt = Hot
When you say, "Bahh" you refer not only to buses but trucks and lorries too. Cement trucks, mobile cranes, tractors, you name it. Any automobile that's bigger than a four wheel drive is a "bahh" to you.
You have begun the first step in counting. When we say, "One..." you say, "twoooo". Sometimes it sounds a little like,"Doooo".
Bert = Bird
You have always loved watching birds fly in the sky. Especially when its a flock flying above us. This gets you all excited, pointing to the sky screaming, "bert bert bert!".
Barmey = Barney
Your favorite purple dinosaur. Since moving you have not been able to watch this great guy on TV. Daddy has yet to organize his AV system so we are TVless for the moment.
Ai-oh/ Ai -yu = I love you
You try very hard to get all three words together but only manage to get the "I love" or the "I you". It's so cute that you are eager to get it right. It's right either way baby and WE love you too!
Boo = Moon
You know the moon and you know the sun. Somehow you can't get the word "sun" out though.
Boo = Moo (the sound the cow makes)
Again mummy has to say, you love love love animals. Especially when mummy imitates a sound. You just go nuts.
Doosh = Juice
I love this one. I really do. Everytime you say,"doosh",mummy just falls in love. It really is so adorable. Any colored liquid in a glass is "doosh". You like mummy's fresh milk "doosh".
Wowerr = Flower
You point at a flower and say, "wowerr". Mummy plucks it and hands it over to you. Again you will say, "wowerr" and immediately start tearing the petals apart. Haha!
There are so many words that mummy just can't think of right now. Mummy swears you speak several languages. Several baby languages anyway. Sometimes you pick up an object and just chatting away. You seem to be talking to it. It's hilarious!
I wan't to share about your sudden need for independence and your strong will, but we'll leave that to another post k. I love you angel!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Deepavali 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Things You Say & Do
Haiyo/Ehyo = Hello
You welcome your daddy home with a hello and sometimes when you meet strangers too. When the phone rings, you put your hand to your ear and say 'haiyo'.
Ehyee/Ehlee = Elephant
Ohrs = Horse
Ais = Eyes
Nos = Nose
Bye = Bye
Ehyi = Elil
Atu = Satu
You love dancing. Anything upbeat gets you moving. Nowadays you have different styles for different types of music. For general pop songs on the radio you do your head nodding move. You nod your head back and forth and move your body to the beat. This is can be done sitting or standing up. You also know how to do a little Indian dance. You got the basics from Shan who is self-taught by watching cultural shows on TV. And I think your Pati enforced the moves further. Now when you hear music on the Tamil channels you immediately get into position. Getting into position means you first bend your knees until you are almost in a squatting position (not sure how you can do this for so long coz mummy tried and it hurts). Then, you put your hands up in the air, the right one slightly higher than the left. You loosen your wrist muscles and take a couple of steps back and forth while twisting your wrists. All this in rhythm with the beat. Somehow you manage to bob your head up and down too. This is just too cute for mummy.